So far, this desire of mine is the equivalent of looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! I'm a magnet for all types of very strange men. I call myself The Weirdo Magnet. I never attract sane, normal men. What is the deal here??? For example, tonight I logged on to Facebook and found an email with the following message:
"i am nick, a 5ft10 bloke i like tall women so how tall r and do you have big feet if so what size. I wish you happiness and prosperity."
What type of message is that to leave in the inbox of a total stranger??? I have no clue who this guy is!
But he is at the saner end of madness. I've had an email from a guy who asked me if I would be willing to step on his face!! A little off his game this guy, isn't he???
Yesterday one of my Facebook buddies and I had a long conversation. Just as I was starting to become interested and daring to allow myself to believe that this could be a guy worth knowing, he drops a major clanger. During our conversation he asked me what origin I was as my surname is unusual. I told him it was Nigerian. He then proceeded to tell me that he loved African women (he is German) because they can cook, look good and the sex is great. Not exactly the right way to woo me, or to convince me to have a relationship with him!
I've had guys who have asked me to meet up with them for a drink, and when I've got there, it turns out all they wanted to see was whether or not I was as tall as I'd said. The conversation then never shifts from questions about my height, the size of my feet and hands and the height of previous boyfriends!
I'm not being pompous or presumptuous but I think know how famous people feel about people wanting to date them. You always wonder what their motivation is; why do they want to be with you? Do they want to be with you or is it something else they're after?
Where have all the good guys gone!? Why have they been replaced with these strange creatures I encounter all the time!? Why do I attract these types of guys?
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